38 Pick up lines in Swedish (with translations)

Trying to start a conversation or ask someone out can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re not sure how to approach it. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our list of the 38 best pick up lines in Swedish, along with English translations, to help you impress your crush and break the ice in a fun and memorable way.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic date or just want to open up to new contacts, we’ve got something for everyone here. From charming and flirty to funny and nerdy, these pick up lines will make you the most interesting person in the room, whether you’re speaking Swedish or English.

So take a look at our list and get ready to impress everyone with your creative and nerdy references.

38 Pick up lines in Swedish (with translations)

01.Din drömprins var pÄ vÀg hit, men jag sa att du var pÄ Mello Yello sÄ att jag skulle hinna före.
The man of your dreams was on his way, but I beat the crap out of him so I could get to you first.
02.– Jag slĂ„r vad om att jag kan gissa ditt telefonnummer.
– Nej, inte en chans.
– Du har nog rĂ€tt. Det Ă€r bĂ€ttre om du berĂ€ttar det för mig istĂ€llet.
You: I bet I can guess your number. She: No, you can’t. You: You’re right. You’d better give it to me.
03.Kan jag köpa dig en drink, eller vill du bara ha pengarna?
Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?
04.Du Àr faktiskt rÀtt söt nÀr jag Àr onykter / efter nÄgra öl.
You’re pretty when I’m drunk.
05.Jag har druckit nÄgra öl och du börjar se riktigt söt ut nu.
I’ve had quite a bit to drink, and you’re beginning to look pretty good.
06.Är det en spegel pĂ„ din Ă€rm? För jag kan se mig sjĂ€lv i dina armar hela natten.
Is that a mirror on your sleeve? ’Cause I can see myself in your arms all night.
07.– Jag kan inte hitta vad jag vill ha pĂ„ menyn.
– VadĂ„ dĂ„?
– Du!
You: ”Damn, I can’t find what I want on your menu.” She: ”What’s that?” You: ”You.”
08.Hej sötnos, vi skulle sÀkert se söta ut tillsammans pÄ bröllopstÄrtan!
Hey baby…wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake?
09.Vad heter den parfym du har? Krama Mig?
What’s that perfume you’re wearing called… Hug Me?
10.Jag har röda kalsingar och tjejer gillar mig.
I wear colored underwear and chicks dig me.
11.Vill du att jag ska tala om för din kompis att hon gÄr hem ensam ikvÀll?
Should I break it to your friend that he’s going home alone?
12.Du har nÄgot pÄ kinden. Egentligen har du inte det, jag ville bara se dina söta ögon.
You have something on your cheek… (Lean forward and brush it off, close to their face, then say:) Actually, you don’t. I just wanted to see your gorgeus eyes.
13.Wow, jag Àr glad att jag inte Àr blind!
Damn, I’m glad I’m not blind.
14.Rosor Àr röda violer Àr blÄ, jag skulle göra allt för att sitta nÀra er tvÄ.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I would do anything to sit next to you!
15.Jag har öl och en lÀgenhet. Vill du hitta pÄ nÄgot senare?
I got beer and a house. Wanna do somthin’ later?
16.Du har en trevlig röst. Kan du inte ringa det hÀr numret i morgon sÄ jag fÄr höra hur du lÄter över telefonen?
You have a great voice… Call this number so I can hear how it sounds over the phone.
17.Jag tĂ€nkte berĂ€tta om en dröm jag hade i gĂ„r natt, men du vet redan – du var med i den!
I’d tell you about the dream I had last night, but you already know – you were in it.
18.Du spenderar sÄ mycket tid i mina tankar att jag borde debitera dig hyra.
-Har du ont i fötterna? -Nej, hursÄ? -Du har vandrat i mina tankar hela dagen!
You spend so much time in my dreams, I should start charging you rent.
19.Wow, du fÄr mig att vilja stÀlla in alarmet pÄ din biologiska klocka!
Girl, you make me wanna set the alarm on your biological clock.
20.Jag gillar dina hÀnder. De skulle se Ànnu bÀttre ut pÄ mig.
You have really nice hands, but they would look a lot better on me.
21.Din stol ser obekvÀm ut. Jag slÄr vad om att du skulle sitta bÀttre i mitt knÀ.
That chair looks uncomfortable. I bet you’d feel better in my lap.
22.– Du pĂ„minner om min första fru.
– Verkligen, hur mĂ„nga har du haft?
– Ingen Ă€nnu.

Guy: You remind me of my first wife.
Girl: Really? How many wives have you had? Guy: None yet.
You look just like my first wife. She says; How many times have you been married? You say; never.
23.Har du nÄgra planer för natten? IngÄr jag i dessa?
Are you doing anything tonight? Because I sure hope it’s me.
24.Jag skulle köpa dig en drink, men jag skulle bara bli avundsjuk pÄ glaset.
I’d buy you a drink, but I’d be jealous of the glass.
25.Din kropp Àr som ett timglas och jag skulle behöva veta vad klockan Àr.
Your body is like an hourglass, and I really need to know what time it is.
26.Mina lÀppar Àr kalla. Kan du vÀrma dem?
My lips are cold. Can you warm them up?
27.Kan jag fÄ ditt telefonnummer? Jag har en nalle, men ingen att ringa till.
Can I have your number? I’ve got 35 cents and nobody to call.
28.Att kyssas Àr kÀrlekens sprÄk, sÄ vad sager du om en liten konversation?
Kissing is a language of love…so how about a conversation?
29.Kom ihÄg detta ögonblick sÄ vi kan berÀtta för vÄra barn hur vi trÀffades.
Remember this moment, so we can tell our children how we met.
30.– Du Ă€r perfekt pĂ„ nĂ€stan alla sĂ€tt, men du har en stor brist.
– Vad?
– Din adress. Den borde vara samma som min.
You: You’re perfect in almost every way, except you have one major flaw. She: What’s that? You: Your address. It needs to be the same as mine.
31.Om jag var en skyddsÀngel skulle jag vakta dig mot allt dÄligt, elakt och alla killar som berÀttar tama fraser för dig som de hittat pÄ internet.
If I were a guardian angel, I would guard you from the bad, the evil, and all the guys that try to take advantage of you using lame lines they found on the internet.
32.Hej, du kÀnner inte mig, men jag drömde om dig förra natten och tyckte att det bara var rÀttvist att presentera mig sjÀlv.
Hi, you don’t know me, but I dreamt about you last night and thought it is only fair to introduce myself.
33.Vi har sĂ€kert mycket gemensamt… förutom att du har ditt telefonnummer men det har inte jag.
We’ve got a lot in common, except you have your phone number and I don’t.
34.Jag har en penna och du har ett telefonnummer. TÀnk vilka möjligheter som uppenbarar sig.
I have a pen, you got a number — think of the possibilities.
35.Jag har förlorat min gummianka. Vill du bada med mig i stÀllet?
I lost my rubber duckie. Would you bathe with me instead?
36.Jag har vĂ€ntat hela mitt liv för att trĂ€ffa min drömtjej, men jag skulle dumpa henne för dig… 😉
I waited my whole life to date the girl of my dreams, but I dumped that chick when I saw you.
37.Skulle du vilja komma med hem till mig för lite hett, passionerat… kaffe?
Wanna come back to my place for some hot… passionate… coffee?
38.Vad Àr ditt namn? Jag vill veta vad jag sÀger i sömnen inatt.
What`s your name? I want to know what I’ll be saying in my sleep tonight.


We hope our list of 38 pick up lines in Swedish, along with their English translations, has given you some inspiration and confidence to approach your crush or meet new people. Whether you’re interested in a romantic date or just want to make new connections, these pick up lines are sure to make you stand out.

So next time you’re in a social setting, don’t be afraid to use one of these pick up lines to break the ice. And don’t forget to share your own favorites in the comments below! We’d love to hear which ones worked for you and if they led to a fun night out or even a date. Thanks for reading and good luck!

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